Agri Tech | Biotech
Organization Name: Information Not Available
Product Description: Information Not Available
Current Stage: Product ready for mass prodcution
Training Required: NA
Considering the COVID19 crisis, import of raw materials for fertilizer prodcution is of serious cencern, hence we need to arrive at alternatives for indegenous safe and eco friendlu Agri inputs. FIB-SOL is working on a nanofiber ased Agri input, which stabilizes microbes that can provide macro nutrients in a natural way. Since it is based on nanotechnology, 5 gram of water soluble membrane is sufficient to fertilize an acre of land. The prodcut has been validated by FCO. It has been tried by various FPO & #039's like Thaimann
Information Not Available
Ready to go to market
Funding for commercialization and commercial partnership is required