
Rose oxide value added citronella essential oil and pure rose oxide

Agri Tech  |  Biotech   

Organization Name: Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing

41 reviews

Product Description: Information Not Available

Price: NA (In )

   Sasikumar Elumalai

Current Stage: Proof of concept is developed, Patented granted under Patent no. 323241

Training Required: Training on pilot plant facility

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Unique Features Of The Solution/equipment - How Is It Different Than What Is Available In The Market:

The product called 'rose oxide value added citronella oil' contains considerably higher amount of rose oxide ~16-30% (depends upon processing) than any known natural essential oil. In view of high olfactory potency (ppb) of rose oxide, the product may be used as an additive to impress many other essential oils and aromatic/cosmetic products. The product may be used to produce a mixture of cis/trans-rose oxide (90:10) consisting of predominantly the naturally occurring cis-rose oxide,and even pure (?)-cis-, (+)-cis-, (?)-trans-, and (+)-trans-rose oxidestereoisomers for use as a technical reagent, analytical standard,and/or other specialized purposes.

Indicate Process Followed to arrive at the problem statement for which Solution has been developed:

Semi-synthetic process for in situ generation of rose oxide in low value citronella essential oil

Business Model:

Information Not Available

Tentative Time to go to Market:

2 Years

Please Identify if Support is Sought for Funding:

CIAB core fund

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