
Mushroom Production Unit and Mushroom Production Technology

Agri Tech  |  Post-Harvest Management   

Organization Name: Mushroom Production Unit,MPUAT,Udaipur

41 reviews

Product Description: Information Not Available

Price: Rs.38.00 Lakh (In )

   Dr Shyam Sundar Sharma

Current Stage: All processes developed and ready for mass production, standard designs have been developed for all types of production units like low cost, medium and commercial scale.

Training Required: Skill training to rural youth and women will generate confidence in youth who is having great opportunities to sale this unique product mushroom. He will gain the confidence to grow at commercial scale.

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Unique Features Of The Solution/equipment - How Is It Different Than What Is Available In The Market:

The available technologies since long has changed with the change in concepts and refined technologies. Earlier, there used to dependency on the weather based mushroom production, but now people are inclined to go for High priced mushroom production. Even if it is temperate mushroom, growers are taking risk of its production under climate controlled environment. This way they are getting better prices. We have technology available for growers of various capacities like- 1 TPA/6 TPA/ 36 TPA/200 TPA/ 360 TPA and more. Already available are seasonal mushrooms and after erection of infra under EL on mushrooms, we will be able to produce the mushrooms of winter season and even some specialty mushrooms like Shiitake, Hericium and Cordyceps under controlled conditions. There is lack of availability of value added products in market like Soup powder, pickles, badian, baby food supplemented with mushroom powder, freeze dried mushrooms. If canning facility is provided than canned mushrooms will also be made available.

Indicate Process Followed to arrive at the problem statement for which Solution has been developed:

The problem has been received from the farmers and agriculture departments for the commercially development of mushroom and its products

Business Model:

Information Not Available

Tentative Time to go to Market:

6 months

Please Identify if Support is Sought for Funding:

Training and hands on skill-Rs.5.0 Lakh Development-Rs. 25.00 lakh, Contingency- Rs. 3 lakh, Overhead like, rent of rooms , electricity, technical manpower , wages,etc.- 5 lakh,Total- Rs.38.00 lakh

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