Livestock Tech | Others- Dairy Tech & Precision Livestock Farming
Organization Name: Candid Agro & Dairy LLP
Product Description: Information Not Available
Mehal Kejriwal
Current Stage: Validated with Customers
Training Required: NA
Uses Israeli Know-How in animal care & the milking process and uses German Technology from GEA for production.The cows wear a wearable technology device on its leg which allows to track its health & well- being and fertility. Track when the animal is in heat, when the time is right for inseminationTheir cows listen continuously to classical flute music to induce the happy hormones of the cowsCows are fed 100% organic food
Happy Milk is an organic dairy milk products brand. The company is addressing and trying to solve the issue of adulterated milk in the market. They use IoT devices to track the health of the cows and check the consistency and quality of milk produced and ensures zero human interference.
Business to Consumer
Information Not Available