

Scientific Research  |  DRINKING WATER   

Organization Name: National Environmental Engineering Research Institute

41 reviews

Product Description: Information Not Available

Price: NA (In )


Current Stage: 3 demonstration plants in operation.

Training Required: NA

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Unique Features Of The Solution/equipment - How Is It Different Than What Is Available In The Market:

This device employs both cation and anion exchange membranes which are alternatively placed between cathode and anode. When a direct electric current is passed through the water, the ion exchange membranes set in a gel structure and allow cations and anions of the salts to pass through. As a result, desalted water is formed between the membranes, which is collected. The system can be made a continuous one. The process provides control on the water salinity by adjustment of flow rate and current input. The technique is modular.

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Tentative Time to go to Market:

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