DataBase error -
SELECT productid,producttype,tc.categoryid,torg.organizationid,productname,technology_name, tc.category, tp.categoryid, torg.organizationname, tsc.subcategory, tsc.subcategoryid, contact_details,contact_name, contact_designation,contact_emailid, contact_phoneno,incubatorname, process_followed FROM tblproduct tp LEFT JOIN tblorganization torg ON tp.organizationid = torg.organizationid LEFT JOIN tbltechnology_category tc ON tp.categoryid = tc.categoryid LEFT JOIN tbltechnology_subcategory tsc ON tp.subcategoryid = tsc.subcategoryid WHERE tp.isactive = 'Yes' AND tp.producttype = 'Scientific Research' order by productid desc Limit 0, 12 Friends Of The Farmer Ministry of Agriculture Govt Of India
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