
Lignin derived zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nano-composites with potential UV-blocking and antimicrobial potential

Agri Tech  |  Biotech   

Organization Name: Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing

41 reviews

Product Description: Information Not Available

Price: Rs.1500/gm (zinc oxide nano-composite), Rs. 1800/gm (titanium dioxide nano-composite) (In )

   Sasikumar Elumalai

Current Stage: Market ready

Training Required: Initial funding to train people for 3-6 months

More Info

Unique Features Of The Solution/equipment - How Is It Different Than What Is Available In The Market:

The ones available commercially lack significant UV-blocking and antimicrobial potential

Indicate Process Followed to arrive at the problem statement for which Solution has been developed:

Green one pot and scalable synthesis

Business Model:


Tentative Time to go to Market:

1-2 years

Please Identify if Support is Sought for Funding:

DBT-CIAB funded to PI, CSIR funded PhD student

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